20 Twitter Tips You Should Know Before You Start Tweeting


20 Twitter Tips You Should Know Before You Start Tweeting

Social media is an essential part of almost every company’s marketing strategy. With so many different platforms to

choose from and all of them requiring regular updates, it can be hard for companies to know where to start and what.  

works best for their audience. Which is why Twitter has become such a popular choice for businesses. It’s simple and

straightforward, with the focus being on short, concise messages that are easy for users to read and understand.

However, with so many people using this platform as a means of interacting with others and sharing information, it’s

essential that you take the time to learn about what makes a great Twitter account before you begin using it as a

marketing tool. If you’re thinking of creating a Twitter profile for your business or want to improve your current one,

here are some helpful tips you should keep in mind.

Make your bio as useful as possible

The first part of your Twitter account that people will see is your bio. This short piece of text is usually followed by the

username and link to your website. If you’re only adding a few simple words, you’re not going to be doing your profile

any favors. Instead, use this as an opportunity to give people a quick snapshot of what your business is about, what

value it brings to its audience, and how your Twitter account can help to achieve these goals. This way, even if someone

only has a couple of seconds to skim your bio before deciding whether or not to follow your profile, they’ll still have a

good idea of what you’re about. This will make it more likely that they’ll engage with your posts and click on your link to

learn more about your business.

Use images and videos in your tweets

As you’re creating your Twitter feed, there’s a good chance that it’s already running through your head that words are

the most important part of the entire post. However, a lot of people forget to include images or videos when they’re

creating their tweets, often resulting in a much less engaging feed. However, if you make sure that at least one image

and one video are included in your tweets, you’re likely to get a much better response. This is because images and

videos are a great way to break up the content on your feed and keep your readers engaged. They also allow you to

express your brand’s values more visually and create more of an impact overall.

Keep track of what works and what doesn’t

As you start to use Twitter more and more as a marketing tool, you’re going to come across different ideas that work

better than others. This could be the type of images you’re using, subject matter, or the length of your tweets. Whatever

the case may be, make sure you keep track of what’s working best so you can replicate it whenever possible. When it

comes to the posts that don’t perform too well, try to figure out why they didn’t get as many likes or shares as you were

hoping so you can avoid making the same mistake again in future. This way, you’ll be able to tailor your Twitter feed to

suit your followers’ tastes. This will help to make your posts more engaging and encourage more people to follow and

engage with your feed.

Don’t forget to be human

Now, being human isn’t something that applies only to online interactions. However, it’s something that far too many

brands forget when they’re using social media. Companies forget to be human because they’re focusing on keeping

their message short and sweet. However, short and sweet posts are impersonal, which is likely to turn away potential

customers. You need to make sure that your posts are personal and applicable to your followers. This means including

your opinions, feelings, and reactions to certain things. It also means including your personality and letting your

followers know a little bit more about who you are as a person. This will make you more relatable to your audience,

which is likely to encourage them to engage with your posts and click on your links.

Summing up

Twitter is a great platform for businesses and individuals alike. It’s quick and easy to use and attracts a wide variety of

people. There are plenty of ways to make your account more engaging and appealing to your followers. From making

sure that your bio is useful and contains the right information to including images and videos in your tweets and being

human and letting your followers in on a little bit about who you are as a person, there are plenty of ways to improve

your account. With the right strategies and attention to detail, you’re sure to see a boost in engagement.

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